Join us for our workshop series on TÉVA/transition to active living/work integration.
Our team has joined forces with the CIUSSS South-Central, the Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM) and CRIR researchers to offer you the opportunity to participate in a workshop series that will foster dialogue and networking opportunities between clinicians and researchers on innovations, potential solutions and best practices about TÉVA, transition to active life, employment orientation and integration for youth, young and older adults living with physical or intellectual disability or ASD.
We have offered you 3 main topics with invited experts.
- Mobilization and participation
- Preparation to engage with the environment (DP, ID)
- Breaking the silos between impairments, programs and stakeholders
WORKSHOP III – JANUARY 24 2023: Breaking the silos between impairments, programs and stakeholders
- Presentation from programs:
- CCOMTL transition program (PDF, FR 0nly), Marie-Claude Saindon, Program chief
- Invited researchers:
- Lucyna Lach, MSW, Ph.D. : Professor, School of social work (UMcGill), CRIR Researcher: Recommendations from community conversations
- Suggested reading: Silvério, A. P. M., Mancini, M. C., Antunes, F. I., Figueiredo, P. R., Bueno, K. M., & Brandão, M. B. (2023). “Thinking about myself?” Experiences of parents of adolescents with cerebral palsy: A qualitative study to guide the implementation of a service for families. Child: Care, Health and Development.
- Martin Caouette, Ph.D., ps. ed.: Professor, Department of psychoeducation (UQTR), Chaire autodétermination et handicap, CIRRIS Researcher , IU-DITSA
- Lucyna Lach, MSW, Ph.D. : Professor, School of social work (UMcGill), CRIR Researcher: Recommendations from community conversations
WORKSHOP II – SEPTEMBER 28 2022: Preparation to engage with the environment (PD, ID)
- Presentation from CCOMTL programs: TranXition program (PDF FR only) & program Vision Impairment 25+ (PDF)
- Invited researchers:
- Mélanie Couture, OT, Ph.D. : Professor, School of rehabilitation (USherbrooke ,IU-DI-TSA): Atelier sur transition – TEVA – intégration à l’emploi (PDF FR only)
- Jean-Claude Kalubi-L., Ph.D. : Director, Academic and social adaptation (USherbrooke, CRIR, CERTA)
- Annie Rochette, OT, Ph.D. : Professor, School of rehabilitation (UMontréal, IURDPM, CRIR): Aborder le thème de la sexualité et des relations avec les jeunes adultes (PDF FR only)
- Lucyna Lach, MSW, Ph.D. : Professor, School of social work (UMcGill, CRIR)
- Samuel Ragot, Ph.D. candidate : School of social work (UMcGill): The Basic Income Program and its effects on employment (PDF)
WORKSHOP I – JUNE 16 2022: Mobilization and participation
If you have missed the June 16 workshop, you can find the recording and material on the IURDPM webpage for the event.
- Presentation from CCSMTL programs:: Programme TEVA & Cirque Social
- Invited researchers:
- Dana Anaby, OT, Ph.D. : Professor, School of physiotherapy & occupational therapy (UMcGill, CRIR)
- Aline Bogossian, MSW, Ph.D. : Professor, School of social work (UMontreal)
- Stefano Rezzonico, Ph.D. : Professor, School of speech-language pathology and audiology (UMontreal, IURDPM, CRIR)
- Sabrina Cavallo, OT, Ph.D.: Professor, School of rehabilitation (UMontreal, IURDPM, CRIR)
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