THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 13h30-14h15
Join us Online on TEAMS or at the MAB site-room A314 (7000 Sherbrooke Street West)
Mickael Deroche, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Psychology, Concordia University
Website: Hearing & Cognition Lab
The Directorate of Academic Affairs and Research Ethics offers this lunch conference with Mickael Deroche to learn more about his research program and to build relationships. Mickael recently joined our research center, the CRIR. He will be affiliated with the MAB-Mackay site at the Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Center of the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.
Bio: He is trained as an engineer in acoustics, with a strong interest in music and speech perception. He completed his PhD in 2010 from Cardiff University (Wales) working on the cocktail party problem. After two postdoctoral positions in University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins (USA) working with cochlear implant users, he broadened his interests to other clinical populations and a number of techniques (tDCS, pupillometry, EEG, fMRI, fNIRS). As of 2019, he is Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department of Concordia University. His laboratory focuses on hearing and cognition, from audiological work with hearing-impaired individuals to cognitive work on language and communication, and on both ends of the lifespan. (From Concordia website)
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