Come join us for this discussion on a simple and promising tele-rehabilitation intervention! 

You are invited to participate in this lunch discussion, with Christophe Alarie, kinésiologist and PhD student in rehabilitation at Université de Montréal. He has worked as a clinician and conducted projects with adults presenting persisting symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury. His thesis aims to improve physical activity for this clientele, even during the pandemic.
When? Octobre 19th, 2022
At what time ? from 12:00 to 1:00pm
Where?  In person at the Constance Lethbridge site OR online (depending on your preference)
What are the objectives of this lunch discussion? 
  • Learn more about this progressive walking intervention and its modalities, as well as about the results of the feasibility study with a mild TBI clientele.
  • Discuss the interest to offer this type of intervention to your clientele. Note that this intervention could be offered to other clienteles besides TBI.
How can I register? Clic here to complete the short registration form (en français)
Questions : Andréanne Guindon,
The presentation will be in French, but the discussion can be in both French and English.