Frédérique Poncet, Occupational therapist, PhD, is a resident researcher at the Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Center of Montreal West Central. Her research program focuses on : (i) ecological assessments of individuals with an acquired brain injury with cognitive (e.g. executive function) and/or neurovisual impairments (e.g.. Unilateral Spatial Neglect) (ii) the development, documentation and evaluation of innovative interventions or technologies that aim to improve activities and participation in food literacy. By using integrated knowledge transfer, she also supports research projects initiated by clinicians and managers of the CCOMTL.
Frédérique Poncet developed competencies in (i) methodology, such as scoping reviews, participatory action research or collaborative research, qualitative research, mixed methods, research strategies with single-subject design with repeated measures (ii) program documentation and evaluation.